pt-pten +351 228 301 363 chamada para rede móvel nacional Seg - Sex 08:30 - 18:00 Av. Álvaro Anes Madureira, 19 - Maia
Certified Company
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25 Years
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Referenced high quality
99% Delivered on time
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Market Segments


We provide a comprehensive range of products to create value and support the sustainable development of the textile industry.

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Equipment for applications of flexible and rigid materials used in productive processes in the automotive industry.

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Materials and equipment for creating various medical products, using 3D knitting technologies, gluing, coating and visual effects.

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"Exceeded Customers, Solid Company, Satisfied Employees"

It is our philosophy, in this order of priority. With 25 years of existence we continue to innovate, anticipating the future on a daily basis. We believe that progress is made with change. Exploring new paths is our destination, always focused on exceeding the expectations of current and future clients.

We are committed to excellence in delivering innovative products / services and growing as a benchmark in the markets in which we operate.